James Bond. Ferris Bueller. ET. They all had a certain type of persuasion and influence.
Persuasion. Even though it’s not a 4-letter word, people have strong opinions about it.
Used well, it defines the skill of someone who rapidly engages others, gains near-instantaneous adoption of ideas and seems to get faster support when needed than the average Joe.
There’s also the abused, dark side of persuasion, as demonstrated in movies like Wall Street, Body Heat or the Godfather.
It Isn’t How Far to Go,
But Knowing What to Do That Matters
Somehow, this just came on my radar.
The findings are eye-opening. The implications simple yet profound. The ease of use, awesome.
Dr. Robert Cialdini, Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University, compiled these 6 core shortcuts that impact how persuasive we are.
These 6 core costless actions are ethical and increase engagement, expand confidence and accumulate the necessary set of agreements that lead to sales, closes and adoption of your business, your cause and your mission.
The video is the best business video I have seen in some time and I share it with you to put its principles to use.
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Last Word on Persuasion
The last 8 weeks have been incredibly (and wonderfully) insane.
Slideshare views again were off the charts — last week was over 37,000 views of our newest presentation.
Then two weeks ago, Firmology did an awesome interview of me which you can read here. Lastly, in case you missed the February Forbes interview of me, here is that link since it covers one of the most cost-effective forms of content sharing and distribution.
If you’ve ever wanted to know how to create a successful brand, this site is for you. These strategies have helped our clients grow — some as little as 20% growth to one client seeing sales explode 300% in a single month — after implementing our design and strategies. These exact strategies, successes and insights have already been featured in Forbes.com, Fast Company, The Build Network, and INC.. It’s only after delivering results to such companies as Revlon, Estee Lauder, Botanical Bakery, Legacy Chocolates, KnowBe4.com and numerous startups and even cities that I feel this information is worthy of your time, and, through this site, you get these insights and strategies for free. Join 15,000 other businesses who let nothing stand in the way of greatness and rising above the noise and subscribe.
Lastly, somebody asked me if we work with startups and if we do work beyond rebrands. The answer to both of those is an emphatic YES. In fact we are working with more startups than ever since this economy is unleashing people’s independence which I consider awesome. Have a question, you can reach us at 1-800-411-6158.
All for now.