A tale of 2 letters and 4 plates and what can happen when nobody is looking.
I love friends.
I love chocolate.
I love lettering.
So, last weekend, with a dear friend of mine (whose initials are MB), I went for an after-event snack.
Chocolate Abandon
Naively, the waiters left on the table some caramel sauce and chocolate sauce with their own thin-nozzle dispensers and some coffee saucers.
That’s all the room I needed to start “doodling” on these plates these “tools” left on our table… (let the games begin).
I started simple.
So I continued.
I was getting into it. I started to go “a bit out of control.”
I ended up with this gallery after a short while:
So if you ever think that you can’t do something special with the little tools available to you at any moment, toss that idea into the recycling bin and if the idea you’ve just tossed is lucky, it may come back as a good idea….