Entrepreneurs. I love them.
Who are entrepreneurs? Oprah Winfrey. Steve Jobs. Walt Disney. Mark Zuckerberg. Jeff Bezos. Elon Musk. JK Rowling. Thomas Edison… to name a few.
My entrepreneurial clients span the spectrum from global multi-millionaires, serial entrepreneurs and well-funded startups to global brands, local brands and even cities.
Servicing this wide range of clientele, I’ve seen how the best stay the best. In honor of that, I’ve compiled this short list of “what the most successful entrepreneurs know.” This is what I’ve observed about those who broke through to amazing success.
What Entrepreneurs Need to Know
The most successful entrepreneurs I know never get satisfied with some random achievement, thus losing sight of their hunger and thirst for the bigger goal. They never confuse an insight with an achievement.
The most successful entrepreneurs I know have a relentless, bottomless persistence that makes others feel like they’re being lazy bums.
The most successful entrepreneurs I know are known for their care and passionate interest in others.
The most successful entrepreneurs I know make others wonder if they will ever stop. Or if they have a stunt double.
The most successful entrepreneurs I know have an insatiable desire to help, serve and improve the conditions of others.
Most notably, the most successful entrepreneurs I know never mistake an insight, a mere slice, for the whole pie. And never take a shortsighted approach to a long-term goal.
Entrepreneurs deserve the whole pie, not just some tasty crumbs or leftovers.
The 5 Lessons We Can Apply
- Recognize achievement yet never settle. Always keep in mind the bigger goal.
- Be persistent as hell and demand as much if not more of yourself than you do of others.
- Have a stubborn optimism that others are worth all the heartache and let that care be shown in your compassion.
- Do your own stunts and never stop.
- Help others and know that your own success is defined by how much help you provided to make the lives of others better.
As a case in point, here are some of the brands created for the successful entrepreneurs I’ve been fortunate to work with:
How will you use this list to create something to improve the world, add value and rebel against the status quo of mediocrity?Â