The last 10 years for solopreneurs has been, in a word, a shitstorm. It’s why I am writing this crucial article right now.
The Globe and Mail based in Toronto, Ontario documented a shift over the last decade between public sectors, private sectors and solopreneurs. It’s jaw-dropping.
But that is just the symptom. The cause is what we need to address.
Look at this shocking graph:

The Next Move Your Brand Needs to Make
As you see above, the “public sector” has grown considerably followed by the private sector.
The main dividing characteristic between public vs private sectors is ownership.
Public sector organizations are owned and managed by the government.
Private sector businesses are owned and operated individually, as partnerships or LLCs.
Self-employed is a subset of the private sector: the solopreneurs of the world.
And it’s this “self-employed” trend that is most alarming: it is flat-lining and is even a bit worse now than 10 years ago.
This is not a political commentary.
Instead, it is about something you can influence directly and immediately (since the wheels of the political machines are not known for speed or efficiency).
The thing you can control? It’s your brand.
The public sector has its brands dictated.
Many times, private sector brands define what employees can say and convey since what’s said can impact company reputation.
But solopreneurs have something special: independence and the autonomy to tell a story that is 100% theirs.
If you have a small business that you own, control your brand.
Because if you control your brand, you control the narrative.
This matters because if you fail to tell the market your story, they’ll define your brand’s story for you as I explain here:
This is why this is the next move your brand needs to make.
Start making that move today. And if you need help, then make that move and reach out.
What if you knew the exact strategies to implement in your industry to succeed like never before?
That would be AMAZING.
It’s why I just published ESSENTIAL BRAND STRATEGIES.
100% FREE. Not available anywhere else.