“The key to generating loyalty and rising above the general noise seems to be all about creating and authentic voice.” Richard Branson
Clarity is one of those “invisible qualities” we all admire and often choose (yet rarely slow down long enough to isolate just how to achieve that for our brands).
We stop and notice clarity over many things… many noisier things.
Having recently moved our offices, I came across logos and brands I designed from as far back as 1983, some that have stood the test of time and others that, through these seasoned eyes, could have been better —more subtle, more refined, more timeless—offering a simpler clarity over some of those earlier, busier choices.
So I decided to take inventory of brands I have worked on over the last 18 months.
If Clarity is a Drug, I Have an Addiction
I was happy with what I found: designs were tasteful, distinctive, memorable, and most importantly, uniquely and authentically qualified to rise above the general noise so my client’s brand is seen and heard in a world too often preoccupied with the next social media share, the latest viral video, the following tweet or the latest Instagram feed.
How? By trimming any “fat” from the solutions, so the message and voice were lean, mean and clear, and unobstructed.
These include brands as diverse as:
- coffee and tea,
- a dance school,
- a landscaping service for one of America’s most prestigious and affluent communities,
- gluten-free cookies,
- a community charity,
- skincare,
- online investing,
- energy advisors,
- student debt consolidation,
- premium dried meat (aka “jerky”).
The above list is independent of the numerous other brands for whom names and strategies have been developed and whose branding is still in development, many of which I am proud of and will blow many peoples’ minds. More importantly, it will perform, resonate and get the notice necessary to garner interest and consumption.
It’s that type of clarity of WHY we’re doing what we’re doing that makes the difference between the great brands and the almost great ones or wannabes.
Clarity in Motion
Before I show you the full collection, I thought it would be great to see a shining example of simplicity and clarity in motion:
And Now, On with the Show!
First, I want to thank the clients who have chosen to work with DBD International and me, embracing the process and knowing that improvement (and a dose of awesomeness) was not only possible but inevitable.
Thank you. It will be a great year for all of us, and we have a lot of excellent plans, videos, and posts planned!
Keep shining brightly.