Beyoncé. Michael Jackson. Fred Astaire.
All amazing talents.
But like logos and brands, they are so much cooler when they move.
How Beyoncé Never Lost her Groove
She’s been at the top of the entertainment world for what seems forever.
Movement is a powerful part of her brand. Just as Michael Jackson, Madonna, John Travolta and Fred Astaire made motion an integral part of their brands.
But movement is not limited to people.
It’s part of the branding landscape.
It’s a statistical fact that videos and movement generate more interest and engagement than stagnant imagery.
Want an Instagram post to get more likes, shares and exposure? Add motion.
The same is true for videos performing better on home pages than stagnant images. Want a home page to have more clickable interest? Incorporate a video or movement.
The Power of Motion
As shown above, the power of motion adds an entirely new dimension to each of the brands shown above.
Some guidelines:
- The addition of motion must make sense
- The motion should add to your brand’s story and not just “jiggle”
- The motion should be designed to engage and not just move “because we know it will attract more eyeballs”
- The motion should be long enough to communicate but short enough to not overstay its welcome
Time to get moving.