So the CEO sits down and asks, “Why are there so many brands that stay small?”
After all the usual answers were uttered, the room fell silent.
An awkward. Pregnant. Silence.
Yes, there IS a secret branding ingredient overlooked by many brands.
How is it that they all miss it?
Because they’re all on the hunt for “that silver bullet.”
And looking in all the wrong places.
Breaking News on Brands That Stay Small
There is no silver bullet.
But there is a powerful tool that trumps all others.
To the casual observer, it’s invisible.
Just as invisible as that vital ingredient that winning Olympic runners use that so many people overlook.
Hiding in Plain Sight
The obvious reason for the Olympic marathon winner will be assigned to all the apparent factors:
- muscle strength,
- stamina,
- muscle-to-fat ratio,
- how limber the runner is, etc.
But there’s one other thing that, without it, no other factors would matter…
This is what I cover in today’s One Minute Wednesday:
One Common Mistake
To underestimate the power of this one factor: differentiation.
It is why we notice certain brands.
Why we read certain authors.
Why we celebrate certain artists and their works.
And why we stop to notice anything.
We notice things that are different and ignore things that are common, usual and predictable.
It might be that it’s just different to you.
That doesn’t lessen the fact that if you want your brand to breathe, you better get some air.
And that air? It’s called differentiation.