Have you ever wondered why ideas spread?
Me too.
Think to the Last Idea That Caught Your Attention
Was it ordinary?
Or was it in something in some way extraordinary?
FACT: Extraordinary will win every time.
Because there’s a hidden law at work at the heart of every purchase: different is better than better.
And different ideas share this quality: they’re extraordinary in one way or another.
Why Ideas Spread
Yes, it comes down to ideas.
But not just any ideas. Extraordinary ideas.
Does that mean ingeniously innovative? No.
- It can be simpler
- It can be easier
- It can be beyond the industry standard
- It can have less (artificial ingredients is one simple example)
- It can be more luxurious
- It can connect dots from other industries that others miss or overlook
In short, it’s something that is beyond that threshold of “average.”
Why is this?
There’s a Reason Supermarkets Have No Aisles That Sell “Average Stuff”
Because average is ordinary.
Average is “been there, done that.”
Average is cliche.
Average has no value.
Why is this important? Because being average is not your destiny or fate or the fate of any one of our customers.
THAT is what I talk about today.
Because TOO MANY companies I start to work with have NO idea when ordinary stops and extraordinary starts. Or how to determine that.
This is the difference between starvation and failure versus creating something that changes the world.
We’re each seeking value in our activities and we each use different metrics on “what is average, and what isn’t.”
That’s the one thing that every entrepreneur needs to know, every business owner needs to know, every leader needs to know and understand.
We don’t talk about the ordinary. We talk about the extraordinary.
And, if you have a brand, if you have a business, if you have a movement, if you have a cause, what people are going to talk about and embrace is THE MAGIC.
That is the thing that gets passed from one person to another.
Not the same old, same old, different day, same crap.