This is about brand intervention.
In a few days, K-Swiss is releasing Gary Vaynerchuk sneakers, the first sneaker not associated with an athlete, but a business celebrity (to my knowledge).
So, this unique branding initiative with the sneaker caught my attention, especially given that in a few weeks, my new book, Brand Intervention, 33 Steps to Transform the Brand You Have into the Brand You Need, will be released.
Brand Intervention: GaryVee Style
So on Sunday morning, I sent out a tweet thanking GaryVee for inspiring me to design my own sneaker for my upcoming book. Here’s what happened:
Gary tweeted his 3-word response: “I want it.”
Needless to say, his response made my Sunday morning and proved that, in today’s climate, you have to go that extra mile.
In addition to this sneaker design, I also designed this prototype:
And all this because I was paying attention to Gary’s unstoppable media machine and endless hustle.
That’s why Brand Intervention is being presented as a movement, not merely a book.
Which might explain this image:
This is just the beginning of the upcoming roll-out as we approach the launch of the new book.
It’s getting exciting as hell resulting in a 290-page, full-color book on branding and marketing, that is unlike any book you’ve ever seen or read before (with a Foreword written by Daymond John from Shark Tank).
Stay tuned.