After being alerted this morning by Slideshare that my presentations have collectively been viewed over 459,000 times (with two more of those nearing the remarkable 100,000 landmark), I decided to do a celebratory dance in the form of a new Slideshare presentation.
I took one of the most popular posts on Rising Above The Noise and repurposed it with new insights and visuals.
Why “The Impossible Brand Formula”?
The title was inspired by a stunning quote from the fighting legend Muhammad Ali:
“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”
If that quote doesn’t inspire you, I must request you check your pulse.
I was so moved by this that I developed “The Impossible Brand Formula.”
(If you’re new to Slideshare, simply click on the right-hand section of the presentation screen below for it to advance forward. If you have a mobile device that is being anti-social, click here to view the presentation on Slideshare):
Proof That Impossible is Nothing
Just found out this morning, that this presentation was chosen as Top Presentation of the Day by Slideshare (about the 10th time this has happened so I’ve lost count. Found out from this email this morning. So much for “impossible”…):
You’re Invited
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If you’ve ever wanted to know how to create a successful brand, this site is for you. These strategies have helped our clients grow — some as little as 20% growth to one client seeing sales explode 300% in a single month — after implementing our design and strategies. These exact strategies, successes and insights have already been featured in, Fast Company, The Build Network, and INC.. It’s only after delivering results to such companies as Revlon, Estee Lauder, Botanical Bakery, Legacy Chocolates, and numerous startups and even cities that I feel this information is worthy of your time, and, through this site, you get these insights and strategies for free. Join 15,000 other businesses who let nothing stand in the way of greatness and rising above the noise and subscribe.
Let’s connect soon.