Smart business people are great to have on your side to help isolate and eliminate fundamental branding mistakes. Why else do you think business line up and volunteer to swim in the potentially scathing and sometimes brutal Shark Tank?
It’s to get h-e-l-p from people who k-n-o-w.
Here are some facts:
- Some tools strengthen a brand.
- Some give a brand a better design and appearance.
- Others disrupt the universe and change the game and your branding power way out of proportion to what you could anticipate.
I would put this blog post into this last category. Read on and you’ll see why.
Lights! Camera! Action!
As the Shark Tank TV hit has proven, little can replace the real-time power of seeing a bright mind who’s been there to provide honest, no B.S. answers to real-world business questions.
During a rare TV interview, I unveiled a little-known — and extremely powerful — tool that’s been used to double, triple, and quadruple sales for clients.
It’s more than a tool. It’s actually the three phases of branding. By applying this,
- One client saw sales literally triple in 30 days
- Another client saw sales in their first quarter exceed the entire previous year’s sales
- Another incorporated this tool discussed below to see sales triple for 2 years in a row after their rebrand was launched
The use of these three phases has helped brands with limited budgets to maximize their impact and fortify the loyalty customers have to their brands. It’s not a factor of spending more, it’s just knowing where to intelligently invest in your brand.
100% or 66%?
A brand follows a sequence from the experience of the customer. It starts before they’ve ever bought, or possibly heard of, your product or service. It then progresses and concludes at some point.
Problem is, too many companies end that sequence at the point of sale, leaving an entire third of the brand experience out of the transaction forfeiting loyalty, relevance, and a chance to outshine the competition.

Why Does This Work So Damn Well?
Because it exceeds expectation — when the customer does not expect you do to anything more.
Expectation is a powerful tool. Use it to excel, grow, and form bonds.
Ignore expectation standards and you’ll be just another predictable shortsighted brand.
Think of it this way: If all you do is what the customer expects, where’s the magic? Where’s the “Wow factor”?
Marriage is a great example where the predictable can make an otherwise satisfying and fun marriage unnecessarily dull and burdensome. Think of each customer as a mini-marriage.
This is real, powerful and highly effective. If you use it, it will grow your brand.
Sometimes the stumbling block is being too close to your brand and product line. While that’s understandable and fairly common, it’s avoidable.
1. → Download The Lucky Brand: 10 Golden Rules of Branding to Outshine, Outperform, and Outlast Your Competition: Ten immediately actionable steps you can apply to your brand right now to elevate how you’re seen while expanding your impact.
2. → Grab Brand Intervention: 33 Steps to Transform the Brand You Have into the Brand You Need The exact strategies I use to go from zero to 100k+ followers, millions in income with no paid ads… sharing the tested and proven strategies, responsible for over $7 billion in sales for companies just like yours.
3. → Apply Transform your business in 9 weeks and be mentored directly by me.
4. → Schedule Work with me and my team 1:1